By Any Measure, the U.S. Is the Largest Sponsor of Terror


Glock27's picture

To dispute this article would be foolish. The man has well documented what he is saying and may of the documents are well documented as well. I did not take time to vet every document. I would be into tomorrow reading all this stuff and tracking down some of the sources. That is good work when you can document yur sources Is it believable. Yes. Very! Most of us here are somewhat familiar with how the government has been acting throughout history. This Nation has a serious problem and there are legislatgors setting in the District of Criminals of whom there is nothing in the world we can do anything about. What pisses me off is that this very same war is being waged against the American people. What can can be doone about it? Many of these acts should be brought before the war tribunal, charges leveled, tried and convicted of the atrocieties they have committed against other people across the globe and here at home. They sit back and believe that they own everyting here and obviously everything in the world and they have be damned un-mitigatd gall to believe that they own us too.To dispute this article would be foolish. What pisses me off is that this same war’s waged against the American people. What can we do about it? Many of these acts should be brought before the war tribunal, tried and convicted of the atrocities they have committed against other people across the globe and here at home. They sit back and believe they own everything here and abroad, and they have the damned un-mitigable gall to, believe that they own us too.
Frustration. It is more than frustration it is anger. When they government hurl their platitudes around at promising the moon while permitting everything under the sun to take hold of this nation and passing piles upon piles of stupid laws. Would it be reasonable to expect some level of political or humanitarian education these idiots must have before being able to run for president? Would it be unreasonable to eliminate the piles of money to have to get elected? Would it be unreasonable to devise a system that the best 0and brightest be required to perform political duties and eliminate elections altogether?
I know. No one here wants government, but you have got it. Call yourself an anarchist, or liberal, a coney dog or Clara bell the clown—you live under the rule of a tyrannical government that believes it possesses your person and everything you have. They will not say what they are thinking. I find it disgusting that we live under a government that commits terrorist acts under the name of “Americans”, and commit terroist acts against their own people
Well. That is my observation. He has hit it on the head, and no one’s going to do anything about it? Not even me because I do not know what to do.
