Taxation Is Robbery


Suverans2's picture

"THE Encyclopaedia Britannica defines taxation as "that part of the revenues of a state which is obtained by the compulsory dues and charges upon its subjects." That is about as concise and accurate as a definition can be; it leaves no room for argument as to what taxation is. In that statement of fact the word "compulsory" looms large, simply because of its ethical content." ~ Frank Chodorov

No, Frank, the word "dues" looms large.

Look up, the word "dues", Frank.

Dues. Certain payments, rates or taxes. As applied to clubs and other membership organizations, refers to sums paid toward support and maintenance of same and as a requisite to retain membership. ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 501

Notice, Frank, that "dues" only pertains to "Certain...taxes" and that it is only "requisite", i.e. "compulsory", on members who wish to "retain membership".

So, if you really don't want to pay "dues", tell them that you no longer wish to "retain membership" in their organization, withdraw from membership, stop asking for and accepting "member-only" benefits/privileges, and guess what--the "dues", such as "income tax" (and some others), are no longer "compulsory"!

Come on somebody, anybody...PLEASE, show me your evidence that the I.R.S. will come after individual secessionists, i.e. non-members who take no "member-only" benefits/privileges.

Suverans2's picture

Do you use any of these...for anything?

* Social Security Number "SSN"
* Employer Identification Number "EIN"
* Individual Taxpayer Identification Number "ITIN"
* Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions "ATIN"
* Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number "PTIN"

Care to guess what these are called? "Taxpayer Identification Numbers" (

These numbers identify the user as a "taxpayer".

Taxpayer. One who is subject to a tax on income, regardless of whether he or she pays the tax. I.R.C. § 7701(a)(14). ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 1462

So, if you don't wish to be a "taxpayer", why on Earth would you VOLUNTARILY use any of these and identify yourself as a "taxpayer"?

Suverans2's picture

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What does "Deafening Silence" mean?

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It's soooooooo silent because you want it to be otherwise.

Suverans2's picture

The reason, IN MY OPINION, that only one individual has answered [privately] the above two requests is because most people do not want to openly admit that they are voluntary bondsman, and that they voluntarily remain in that status because they are unwilling to slide their chairs back and leave the ruler's table.

Proverbs 23:1 When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: 2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. 3 Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.

And, please know that I'm not casting any blame when I state this, because I can certainly understand why most do not want give up the ruler's "dainties"; we have strayed so far from the path of independence, from being "virtually-self-sufficient", that it is very tough indeed to get back to that state, which, of course, is what those-who-wish-to-rule-us wanted in the first place, to make everyone hopelessly dependent upon them.

The Wild and Free Pigs of the Okefenokee Swamp, (author anonymous), is a fun story to demonstrate this trap to folks. Perhaps someone could even get it posted on STR, if anyone here deems it worthy enough.

Suverans2's picture

Someone here has asked, "What about property taxes?"

Here is my answer.

"Define your terms, you will permit me again to say, or we shall never understand one another...” ~ Voltaire

Property tax. An ad valorem tax, usually levied by a city or county government, on the value of real or personal property that the TAXPAYER owns on a specified date. The tax is generally expressed as a uniform rate per thousand of valuation. See Ad valorem tax ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 1218 [Emphasis added]

Ad valorem tax. According to value. A tax imposed on the value of property... ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 51 [Emphasis added]

The first thing that should jump off the page at us about “property tax” is: “that the TAXPAYER owns”. There's that word, “taxpayer”, again, and what is a “taxpayer”, LEGALLY SPEAKING?

In LEGALESE, (which is what we are concerned with here), it is, One who is subject to a tax on income, regardless of whether he or she pays the tax. I.R.C. § 7701(a)(14). ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 1462 [Emphasis added]

Did you catch that, regardless of whether he or she pays the tax? A “taxpayer”, (legally speaking), is NOT simply someone who pays a tax!

Subject to. Liable, subordinate, subservient, inferior, obedient to, governed or affected by; provided that; provided; answerable for. Homan v. Employers Reinsurance Corp., 345 Mo. 650, 136 S.W.2d 289, 302 ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 1145 [Emphasis added]

Liable. Bound or obliged in law or equity; responsible; chargeable; answerable; compellable to make satisfaction, compensation, or restitution. Homan v. Employers Reinsurance Corp., 345 Mo. 650, 136 S.W.2d 289, 298 ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 915 [Emphasis added]

It is a person who is "bound or obliged in law or equity", and thus "compellable to make satisfaction". And, who is "bound or obliged in law or equity", and thus "compellable to make satisfaction"? Answer: A "taxpayer", someone who VOLUNTARILY uses one of the "Taxpayer Identification Numbers".

The word “bound” instantly brings to my mind... “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to DISSOLVE THE POLITICAL BANDS which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..." [Emphasis added]

And this is precisely what Individual Secessionists do, they DISSOLVE THE POLITICAL BANDS which have connected them with another [the political body] and they, as a natural consequence of this dissolution, return to their original state, where they once again assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them!

Suverans2's picture

Now, there are some "libertarians" and "anarchists" who are working at, (or simply waiting for), their STATE, (or a STATE), to secede from the UNITED STATES.

Here is the problem with that, as regards "libertarians" and "anarchists", in my opinion.

If we use, for each STATE, the national average, the number of eligible voters who actually vote reportedly fluctuates around 54%. So, even if the entire 54% voted to secede, that means that the 46% who don't vote, for whatever reason, are being "coerced" into seceding by the 54% who do vote. For a "libertarian" or "anarchist" to participate in this, is to violate his own principles, in my opinion, because he would be participating in the very same "coercion" he claims to abhor when his democratic government uses it.

For this reason, the only moral secession, for self-proclaimed "libertarians" and "anarchists", in my opinion, is Individual Secession, because it is the only act of secession in which the individual truly decides, ONLY FOR HIMSELF, to VOLUNTARILY withdraw his membership from the political group.

Suverans2's picture

Childlike Empress: He doesn't realize that he's already a part of the Neverending Story.

Childlike Empress: He doesn't understand that he's the one who has the power to stop it. He simply can't imagine that one little boy [or girl] could be that important.

Childlike Empress: Bastian, why don't you do what you dream, Bastian?

Bastian: But I can't ! I have to keep my feet on the ground!

Bastian: All right, I'll do it. I'll save you. I will do what I dream!