The Tea Party vs. Liberty


Suverans2's picture

Jacob G. Hornberger writes:

"...for libertarians, the solution to the woes that besiege our nation includes the following: Repeal, don’t reform, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, subsidies, grants, and every other coercive welfare-state transfer program. Abolish every single welfare-state, central-planning department and agency, including the Federal Reserve. Abolish the income tax and the IRS. Legalize all drugs. Dismantle America’s military empire, bring all the troops home from everywhere and discharge them, and dismantle the military-industrial complex."

So, "libertarians", how's that working out for you? How much have you truly accomplished thus far; how many of these things have you "repealed, abolished, legalized and dismantled" by working within the system over the last forty years[1], or so?

[1] The Libertarian Party was formed in Colorado Springs in the home of David Nolan on December 11, 1971. (Source: Libertarian Party:Our History)

Suverans2's picture

Jacob G. Hornberger asks:

"Is it morally right for [your] government to bomb people in other countries in the hope of bringing them democracy?

Is it morally right for [your] government to engage in invasions, wars of aggression, occupations, assassinations, coups, embargoes, sanctions, torture, abuse, and other interventions in the affairs of other countries?"

Abraham Lincoln said that the U.S. government is a "Government of the people, by the people, for the people", therefore, (regardless of whether you believe this to be true or not), guess who the people of those other countries blame when your U.S. government, "bomb(s) people in other countries in the hope of bringing them democracy...[and] engage(s) in invasions, wars of aggression, occupations, assassinations, coups, embargoes, sanctions, torture, abuse, and other interventions in the affairs of other countries"?

Who do you blame when their government does something to the United States or a U.S citizen, in retaliation for your government's interventions in their affairs?

"How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day? I answer that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it..."

Suverans2's picture

"Who do you blame when their government does something to the United States or a U.S citizen, in retaliation for your government's interventions in their affairs?"

I can paraphrase what, Charlie, one of my neighbors, has said to me about Iraq, "We should just nuke 'em! We should just level the whole place!"

"So, Charlie, I'm curious, what would you say, if I could prove to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Iraqi people had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11? What if I could prove to you that 'WE' attacked them FIRST?"