Gun Owners of Vermont Free Speech Forum

Some time ago, I was booted off of the Gun Owners of Vermont Facebook page by Ed Cutler, that organization's president, for speaking freely about Voluntaryist philosophy.  
More recently, Cutler actually tried -- and succeeded -- in censoring me once again in another Facebook forum that wasn't even his while I was discussing interstate firearms laws.
Somewhere in between, I'd started my own Facebook page, Vermont Free Speech Gun Talk, in order to be liberated, with others, from the authoritarian and censorious mentality of Ed Cutler.  This page existed for quite some time without much fanfare.
Just recently, on a whim, I decided to change that group's name to Gun Owners of Vermont Free Speech Forum.  This has evidently incensed Ed Cutler -- and his cohorts Eddie Garcia and Bob DePino -- to seemingly no end.  They have, to date, already tried to get Facebook to remove the page, convince its members to abandon the group...and they have even reputedly petitioned the VT Secretary of State to try and have the page shut down.  They allege that I'm attempting to "steal their trademark," while simultaneously contending that my resistance to their censorship and hatred of speech beyond their control is somehow "subverting" their efforts to fight gun control in VT.
I'll let you judge for yourself: