M for Malaysia

Don't know about you, but I find the mystery of the missing 777 quite riveting.
At the start of the week all was confusion and contradiction, but today the FedGov has said it's looking in the Indian Ocean, having info that MH 370 crossed back Westwards over the Malay peninsula. This is a nice confirmation that my own theory, published two days ago, might be correct.
Several days' delay - which may have been fatal for the 239 aboard if they did land and were awaiting rescue - resulted from Malaysian government reluctance to admit that while their radar had "seen" the plane leave the West coast Westwards, it had failed to reveal it entering the East coast from the East. Oops! Hey neighbor, we have a big gap in our defenses, come along in any time.
The heavily-beribboned and -bemedalled officer in charge of that radar system would be especially embarrassed to admit the failure. He might have to explain where the funds, provided for the purpose, were spent. On such government incompetence and corruption, lives hang.


Jim Davies's picture

This morning's news shows that the Malaysian investigators are beginning to follow that lead which I gave three days ago - they are searching the Captain's home, and may soon check that of the co-pilot.
They are still looking all over the world, however, instead of checking Mecca first. Of course I could be wrong about that, but once one understands a bit about governments and religions, it tells one where to look first.

Jim Davies's picture

Now that the Feds (alleging help from Rolls Royce) have declared that MH 370 left Malaysia in controlled flight heading West, that ass of a Prime Minister has laid the blame on the pilot(s).
That's my first pick too, and has been since Tuesday; but he made no mention of the other possibility - that it was hijacked. If hijackers got through his government's security net, he would be to blame; whereas pilot integrity is mainly an airline responsibility.
What a creep! These government morons perform no useful function at all.

Jim Davies's picture

Early this morning Wired Magazine published a theory by Canadian pilot Chris Goodfellow about what happened to this flight (and thanks to LRC for the link.)
It makes a lot better sense than any other I've heard - including, alas, my own. It accounts for the aircraft silence right after leaving Malaysian airspace, the long flight somewhere over the Indian Ocean, and the direction it took at least initially; the latter with great accuracy. It does not require either of the crew to have been murderous, nor the presence of a hijacker. Worth a read.

Jim Davies's picture

My interest in the MH 370 mystery remains, as perhaps does yours; and I've formed a theory that may explain it. Goodfellow's fell foul of a few facts he did not know, and mine amends it accordingly.
Find it here - and if you think it has legs, give it a boost on social media. Notice its footnote.