
Machine-gun Mayhem in a Free Society


When government and all its laws have been scrapped, including those that limit what guns people can own, won't there be an uncontrollable rash of mass murder and mayhem such as Stephen Paddock allegedly spawned in Las Vegas?
Today's Zero Government Blog suggests not. Enjoy.

Slightly less infallible


In today's Zero Government Blog, I confess to an error. This will deeply shock those zillions of readers who know how reliable it is, and delight my several enemies on STR who will be able to revel in some schadenfreude.
The mistake was to see the Constitution as purer than it is. I'd actually missed a clause, a damning one. Those who set up the FedGov were actually worse than I thought. See whether or not you'd missed it too.

The Pretenders


Seasoned Libertarians won't find much new news in today's Zero Government Blog; but hopefully it will catch the attention of any other kind of reader. Subtitled The Masquerade, it lambasts the institution of government for pretending to provide certain goodies, while actually delivering the opposite. Enjoy - and please, pass it around to friends to whom it will be new!

The Price of Bits

It would be wonderful if the current meteoric rise in the dollar price of Bitcoins reflected a widespread disgust with government fiat "money". Today's ZGBlog suggests, however, that it's not quite that simple. Please enjoy Tulips and Bits.

A Tonic


All libertarian writers, from Spooner to D Friedman to Rothbard and to the present day, agree that once implemented, a zero-government society will work wonderfully well. Less easy is to find how to implement one.

My solution was introduced in a series of STRticles indexed here, and it's disappointing that most STR commenters have failed to act on it, displaying instead a deadly pessimism that has poisoned progress.

Recently Robert Higgs of the Independent Institute appeared to join that dismal chorus, though it may well be that there is much more in his remarks than meets the eye. At any rate, today's ZGBlog offers a rebuttal: Half Full. Enjoy!

Control of the Past

The deadly and needless conflict of 1861-65 is sometimes called the "War of Northern Aggression", so to avoid that characterization the victor's schools to this day try to brand it as a war to abolish slavery. Sounds far better.
Today's ZGBlog is subtitled The Denial of History and offers an explanation of the current rush to destroy memorials of that War, in the South. It's an ominous trend.

Traitors and Tough Choices


Compared to any genuinely Libertarian President, Trump's declared war on the Establishment is feeble indeed; but even that looks as if it will be lost. A powerful lesson for those who still think political action is the route to freedom.
One of the many hindrances he faces is weak support inside his inner circle, and today's ZGBlog explores one such: Jared.

The sad case of a once-brilliant company


As Benito said, "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
One example appears in today's ZGBlog: Google Denny's.

Dismantle the Welfare Warfare State


In this 2016 The Future of Freedom Foundation video, Hornberger articulates a timless libertarian objective.

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